
Source: | 作者:佚名 | Date :2023-03-10 | 193 次浏览 | 分享到:

In his mind, the sky is his home, because there are gifts from nature and fairies in the world. He once said that "without birds in the sky, the world will become smaller". Because of this sentence, he spent seven years traveling all over the five continents and four oceans, experiencing the bite of poisonous insects in the tropical rainforest, the high temperature and lack of water in the vast desert, and the cold lack of oxygen in the plateau glaciers. He has always insisted on loving birds, protecting birds, and patting birds, constantly presenting the spirit of nature to the world, and spreading China's cultural ecology to every corner of the world.

He once said that the most color in the world is not the color of flowers, but the wings of natural spirits.

As a pioneer, in order to achieve harmony between human beings and natural spirits, he brought his photographic works into the campus and into the society, spread his original intention and determination to protect birds with practical actions, and advocated people from all walks of life to join in the action of loving birds and protecting birds, and jointly create a harmonious ecological home of "green water and green mountains", "birds singing and flowers fragrant".

He is the director and bird king of the Bird Diversity Protection Committee of the China Green Development Association

---Mr. Ai Yakang
